Vocational Assessment

ReTrain’s Vocational Assessment Division:

Empowering Pathways to Professional Renewal

Our services begin with our Vocational Assessment, a cornerstone service designed to illuminate and pave pathways for individuals seeking to redefine their professional journeys. Our vocational assessment services are meticulously crafted to identify the unique strengths, skills, and interests of each participant, ensuring a personalized roadmap towards vocational fulfillment and success.

Our team of professionals are certified, with substantial experience, enabling us to offer both comprehensive and partial assessment services. Whether you require full-service assessments or support for overflow needs, our skilled staff is equipped to provide tailored solutions.

Our Process

Objective Consolidated Functional Profile

  • Overview of the worker’s functional capabilities prior to injury.
  • Assessment of physical, cognitive, and emotional baseline functions.

Education, Skills, and Competencies

  • Detailed record of educational background.
  • List of acquired skills and competencies.
  • Certifications and special training.

Work Experience and Acquired Aptitudes

  • Summary of previous work experience.
  • Description of roles and responsibilities.
  • Aptitudes developed through work history.

Vocational Interests

  • Identification of areas of interest.
  • Preferences for specific industries or roles.
  • Post-Injury Vocational Profile

Potential Strengths and Challenges

  • Evaluation of post-injury capabilities.
  • Identification of new strengths and areas of challenge.

Worker Engagement

  • Strategies for maintaining motivation and active participation.
  • Communication plan between worker, employer, and vocational rehabilitation team.

Occupational Options Identified with Short Term Skill Acquisition

  • List of potential occupations suitable for the worker’s post-injury profile.
  • Required short-term training or skill acquisition for each option.

Pre-Injury Vocational Profile

Our approach begins with a deep understanding of the individual. Through comprehensive evaluations, we explore various facets of a person’s professional capabilities and preferences. This process includes aptitude tests, interest inventories, and personality assessments, all aimed at painting a holistic picture of where a participant’s potential lies. Our goal is to uncover the latent talents and aspirations that often go unrecognized, providing a foundation upon which to build a new career.

Analysis and Planning

Analysis of Occupational Availability

  • Market analysis for identified occupational options.
  • Consideration of geographic, economic, and industry trends.


Vocational Rehabilitation Training Plan and Development

  • Customized training plan addressing the worker’s vocational rehabilitation needs.
  • Timeline and milestones for vocational training and development.

Bridging Gaps with Technology

In today’s digital age, the fear of technology can be a significant barrier to entry for many. ReTrain addresses this challenge head-on, offering tailored support to ease participants into the world of online learning and digital literacy. Our vocational assessment process incorporates technology training as a core component, ensuring that individuals are not only prepared for the jobs of today but are also equipped with the skills to adapt to the jobs of tomorrow.

Training and Job Search

Workplace and Computer Training

  • Specific training programs for workplace adaptation and computer literacy.
  • Ergonomic assessments and accommodations.
  • Cybersecurity training for all software training.
Clinical Assessments and Continuous Feedback

ReTrain is committed to providing not just assessments but ongoing support and feedback throughout the vocational journey. Our clinical assessments of progress are integral to this process, offering regular insights into a participant’s development and areas for improvement. This continuous feedback loop ensures that both participants and funders are kept informed of progress, challenges, and successes, fostering a transparent and collaborative relationship.

Engagement for the Technologically Hesitant

Recognizing the diverse backgrounds and experiences of our participants, ReTrain is dedicated to engaging those who may be apprehensive about the shift to online learning. Through patient guidance, personalized support, and the use of user-friendly technology, we make the transition as seamless as possible. Our aim is to demystify the digital world, turning apprehension into confidence and curiosity.

ReTrain’s Vocational Assessment Business is more than just a service; it’s a transformative experience that empowers individuals to take control of their professional futures. By understanding each participant’s unique profile, bridging the gap to technology, matching personalities with instructors, and providing ongoing clinical assessments, we ensure that every journey through our program is one of discovery, growth, and eventual success.

Resume Support

Unlock your career potential with our professional resume support services. Stand out from the crowd with a polished, tailored resume that showcases your skills and experiences effectively. Our team of experts will assist you in creating a resume that highlights your unique strengths and accomplishments, empowering you to secure the career you desire.

Learn More


  • Strategy for a targeted job search
  • Resume building
  • Interview preparation
  • Application processes

To reach our Vocational Assessment Division directly for more information, click below.

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